Its that time of year again where I get to make this standard post for the upcoming marching year. I know alot of you have seem some variation of this before, so you know where I'm going. For those who are here for thier first marching season on WoP, I bid you welcome and I invite you to enjoy many a conversation, joke, and fun times that we will see this season.

I don't want to spend too long discussing things, so here we go:
1. Treat All Members With Respect

Over the next few months we are bound to have a few dsiagreements. I ask that when facing someone who doesn't agree with you that you don't call them a name that would degrade them, thier family, thier program, or someway cause negativity to be spread across the boards. Lets remember that we are all entitled to our opinions and sometimes those conflict. Lets also remember that other people have opinions as well, and that we shouldn't be hostile because someone disagrees.

Be happy!

2. Search Function

This is going be a problem that we'll have, simply because we've had it every year for the three years I've moderated these forums. That is repeated threads. Please please please PLEASE check the forums before making a new thread to make sure it doesn't already exist. We have a wonderful option out there called the search function...let it be your best friend. If you can't find it, follow this link:
Its really easy to use, I promise. I know we may all be excited about a particular thing, or we may all want to know a score, but we don't need a dozen threads on it. One thread will do! Help keep the forums clean!

3. Think Before You Post

If you think something you are going to post may not be the best thing to post for whatever reasons, then you probably shouldn't post it. You can always PM a message to a moderator and we'll gladly look it over for you. Thats what we're here to do...make sure everything goes along smoothly and without problem, but also to be a guiding light for new posters, old posters, and the posters we keep locked up in the closet.
I'm not going to go into examples of bad posts...be smart when you post and think before you act.
4. Circuit Threads

I know I speak for the other Moderators when I say we don't want to see them. I know that it may seem harmless, but every conversation I've ever seen regarding circuit threads gets real ugly real fast, or ends up with everyone saying "We can't really compare these circuits". So if you want to discuss WBA vs SCSBOA or whatever, I can tell you right now the answer is that they can't be compared.
5. Talking About Your Program

I know we have alot of people posting who really have alot of pride in thie programs, and thats a great thing to have. I'm all for pride within the program, but we all need to keep this within moderation. These kind of threads really can get sticky if taken the wrong way.
A bad way to post is something like this:

A good way to post is something like this:
"Looking for positive feedback on our performance"
"My band is called Band X. What do you think we do well in, and what do you think we need to work on"
"Can anyone who saw us maybe give us some advice on some things you saw?"

This isn't a place to stroke your ego. What we can do though is use it for productive feedback.
I should also mention that no matter when you make a thread, if you have the title or post in all caps, chances are we're going to delete it. We'll see your thread just like everyone else...no need to make it stand out.
Thats the most prominent things I can think of. If you have something that you think I should include, send me a PM and I'll add it in, or PM any other Moderator and we'll edit it in.

And as always, if you ever have any questions about anything feel free to IM us or PM us!

Happy posting